Finding my way
I never thought that I would be doing my final major project subject in documentary photography, as it was never the root I had looked into doing. Due to Covid19 this has made me look at my photography in a different way and even though I do not wish Covid19 on anyone, I would have never gone down this root with the restrictions in place. You have to find a different way of producing work, just because you can’t do what you had originally planned does not mean the University will not expect work form you; you are still doing your degree and need to hand in coursework. As well as learning to shoot in a different way, my class and I had to do online lessons. This has brought a different way of learning, while you are not in face-to-face lessons you still do the sessions in an online setting, which means sitting in front of a computer for hours. I already carry out a module requiring me to use a computer, this has increased my screen time, causing headaches and can make me loose focus on what is being taught. However, the sessions that are online are all recorded for the class to look back if needed, this for me personally is a great feature as I am dyslexic and with my other health conditions, if I am not well enough to attend sessions I can go back and watch them to catch up on what I have missed.
Siobhan :)