
While education has always been difficult for me, I did not actually find out I was dyslexic until I was at University. This was due to the fact that in all of my education life my parents and I were told there was nothing wrong with my learning and these educational institutions would not carry out appropriate tests because of the cost. After finishing high school in 2009 I went on to study Art and Design at my local collage, while I was there they did a test on me to see if I was dyslexic and needed extra help, but this came back as borderline. When applying to Uni the test report that had been written was sent off with the application and when starting university I had a full dyslexic test which came back that I was dyslexic, I was also told I had dyspraxia. All my life throughout education I have always felt I was stupid or thick and there was no reason for me not understanding the work I was set. It turned out I was not actually stupid or thick, there was a reason I did not understand my work. The extra support I revive at Uni, my work improved, this has also been helped by the software I now have on my laptop.

Siobhan :)





Finding my way


Guest lecture Simon Weldon: 1