TMA1402: Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Blog 8, Start-up Part 5
The next day we presented our powerpoint presentation, with Gabs having done the actual layout and design for the presentation, I felt it was not fair for her to present it as well and with no-one else offering to present it or even mentioned it, it was left to me, we had got given great feedback and how to move forward with our concept from this. Even though I had felt good about the feedback this, I still was not happy with the group has we was not working as Team and after the conflict on message the group had kind of split into two groups, this was me and Gabs, Mehroosa, Sushmitha and Femi and then Jonathan who did not turn up to many meetings but did communicate with myself and took images he was asked to take. After this we had gotten an email from Professor Alex Coles wanting to arrange a meeting for ours group this was titled “Mess Mop Up” we had no idea what this was about but attended the meeting. As the meeting started and Alex’s telling us why he arranged the meeting it was obvious that Mehroosa had spoken to him about the group, me and Gabs were mentioned a lot and had been made out to be bullies and that it was all on us why we had not meet as a group, Mehroosa then spoke and said we had made meetings without her and she told us when she could not do and we had made the meeting on that Sunday without consulting her. Alex then ask one of us to speak which I did, I said that Mehroosa had not been contactable for the 3 weeks, we had made several meetings to which her, Femi and Jonathan had not turned up to or even communicated in the group chat and that she only mention on the Friday before the presentation that she could not do evenings and as we needed this done I then asked when she could do and she said Saturday or Sunday, this was her choice not ours to be done a this time. We were asked how to move this forward and given options to do so, that was either working into groups and doing both concepts or one of us leading the group, because of the way Mehroosa had been talking about us to Alex he thought it was best for either Femi or Sushmitha to be group leader but they did not want this and we said Femi does not communicate with us, we know he’s doing work but only because Sushmitha had told us and even in the one group meetings he had turned unto he did not have any input at all. Alex then said he would meet with us before class on Friday as he was teaching us that a day and go through the logo concept and were we can move this project forward.
Siobhan :)