TMA1402: Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Blog 11, Start-up Part 8
I would say that the project overall would have been better if the group communicated a lot more and worked as a team not an individual, I think that in the practices we study, most of us are use to working alone and this impacted on our group. I would not say the project turned out as good as it would have been if the group worked together and not had the arguments we had, our group was full of talented people and had a lot to give. The good part is that in some ways we worked through it to get a final start-up business plan and even through the difficulties we did what we planned out to do and create a space that was aimed towards young people and adults, including helping those with mental health, disabilities and including a wide range of ethnicity and diversity.
I created, the online social media accounts and designed the full website, along with some of my own images included
Gabs created the logos and graphics for the online social media and website and did the deign of the PowerPoints up until the final one.
Femi & Susmitha created the interior design and Mehrosa came in at the end to help with this and the 3D render.
Jonathan, Did the images shown on the website of buildings.
We all added our own parts in the final powerpoint.
Siobhan :)